Gluten Free Recipes

blackberry caipirinha cocktail in clear glass

Fresh Blackberry Caipirinha Cocktail

If you’re looking for a bit of a different spin on a classic cocktail, this is one to try. The caipirinha is pretty exotic here in the US, but it’s gaining popularity. Blackberries make this drink exciting and bold.

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Best Traditional Margarita

This is my all time favorite cocktail. I love good tequila and when paired with organic agave and a fresh lime, it’s absolutely heavenly. Perfect on a summer day, or really any day, for that matter.

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layers of chia pudding, granola and fresh fruit in a mason jar

Creamy Chia Pudding

I love meals that I can make ahead, especially breakfast. This Creamy Chia Pudding is vegan, only has 4 ingredients and sets in just a few minutes. So you can make it the night before or in the morning. Serve with fruit, granola and preserves.

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breakfast scramble with sausage and avocado

Easy Breakfast Bowl

This easy breakfast scramble recipe with avocado and sausage is a good one to get you going in the morning. Protein helps stabilize blood sugar and gives you energy to start your day.

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red smoothie in a mason jar, sitting next to cut watermelon

Frozen Mixed Berry Lemonade

This Frozen Mixed Berry Lemonade is a delicious and refreshing summer treat! Yum! All you need is three ingredients and a good blender. Don’t forget presentation. Mason jars and colorful margarita glasses are super fun!

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Hey, I’m Jen.

I’m a photographer and food blogger from Oklahoma. I love to cook and share great food with family and friends. Oh, and I do love to eat, too!